Samstag, 9. November 2002

Busy times. No time to blog in the past two weeks. We're doing a major redesign of the newtelligence website, which will finally be fully dynamic, web service enabled and the new home for my blog. I've written a news aggregation service using all the good stuff in the .NET Framework and a bunch of ASP.NET controls for this.

We're hopefully done with all of that by end of next month -- takes a long time because we're really busy with our regular work in between. Just got back from a week-long .NET workshop and will be going to another one next week, followed two weeks later by our open-for-everyone .NET seminar "TornadoCamp.NET". (All in German, still a few seats left).

[Yes, TornadoCamp.NET might sound like a silly name, but it works as an expressive anglizism for the German market]

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