Mittwoch, 20. November 2002

Here's a reminder to get your disaster recovery plans up to date and not to keep all backups on site. Very sad. University of Twente NOC Destroyed [Slashdot

4:22:36 PM      comments []

So, Microsoft bans modified XBoxes from XBox Live. I may be alone, but I honestly think that's a reasonable move in the favor of -- plain and simple -- gameplay. The whole online "play with random folks on the Internet" is only fun as long noone is cheating. Mod your box as you wish, but don't ruin my game-night with using an "invulnerability hack". I think that putting mod-chips into the XBox certainly isn't an evil act as such (if I wish I can just as much gut the box and turn it into a cat toilet), but the consequence of being able to mess around with the games and spoil other's fun by being unfair in the online-game certainly is.
4:17:00 PM      comments []

The most interesting aspect of service-oriented architectures is that they have potentially unlimited nesting. A full-blown SOA solution is just a simple service to others.
3:42:33 PM      comments []

Fast ausverkauft. Nur noch ein Platz frei! It's going to be a fun week, next week. Maybe we'll do one in English soon ;)

10:43:08 AM      comments []

Is WSDL too hard?. In response to Greg Reinacker's comments I didn't say WSDL is hard, I said its cumbersome and unproductive. Come on, its just angle brackets how hard can it be ?? [Simon Fell]

Hard or not hard -- can we agree on "It's just not enough" ? :) My main problem with WSDL is that it tries to do 2 things (message contract and transport mapping), while it should do 3 things (message contract, service contract and transport mapping), however at the same time, one thing (WSDL) shouldn't do all these 3 things altogether but leave them to 3 separate things: A message contract definition language (defines soap:Body content), a service contract definition language (soap:Header) and a "web services binding language" that maps messages combined with services to transports.


8:24:00 AM      comments []