Sonntag, 13. April 2003

Content Pipelines, discussed. Check the comments.
3:11:44 PM      comments []

AspectServicedComponent, NETFX 1.1 and GC

This morning I had the first chance to compile my AOP framework for Enterprise Services on the RTM versions of VSNET 2003 and the Framework 1.1. At first sight, the stress tests showed that something was still leaking memory, but -- oh, wonder! -- about 10 minutes into the stress test run, it all seems to stabilize and the heap sizes in all GC generations including the critical Gen 2 actually start to shrink and grow in a saw-tooth shape in the perfmon-charts as expected. I guess that means that you can expect bits in time for TechEd 2003 Dallas, where I will do a "400 level" talk on AOP and will finally give away some better hints at how this was done.

2:56:56 PM      comments []