Wednesday, May 07, 2003 |
TME has a philosophy for designing software that i'd like to share. the starting point for anything we build is the "user experience". before we even think about stuff like standards compliance or implementation, we focus on what a user of our software/APIs will experience. simplicity is the #1 objective. only when this has been accomplished (at least on paper) do we talk about implementation details. and only when this has been simplified do we think about standards compliance. even thought this might sound bass-ackwards, it always seems to work out well in the end.
3:20:53 AM
the most under-appreciated computer language - LISP, by a long way. LISP was an incredible work of art. so simple and so reflexive. but an absolutely crap syntax that doomed it. the qualities that it had are bound to surface again sometime soon, and hopefully replace the current slew of offerings.
2:34:01 AM
got VS.NET 2003 installed today on my laptop, all 500+ Mb of it. runs nicely. i'm looking forward to showing a .NET/GLUE interop example at the VS.NET event this week, as well as sharing some thoughts on SOA. i must say that MS does a fabulous job of creating kick-ass powerpoint templates!
2:25:38 AM
8 days to Matrix Reloaded. I'm going to see "Identity" this weekend, and I bet it's going to be good. John Cusack is really turning out to be a great actor. I loved "Serendipity".
2:20:55 AM
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