Tuesday, May 25, 2004 |
played around with my mini ipod tonite. in about an hour, i was able to install iTunes, install the windows drivers for the ipod, rip two CDs (police synchronicity, pink floyd the wall live), upload the tunes to the ipod, select a song, play the song, and tweak the volume. i'm listening to "comfortably numb" as i type this entry. as usual, apple has created an awesome user experience, something that all software companies would do well to aspire to.
11:27:51 PM
i just signed up for typepad pro, and it seems a lot easier to use than userland. here's my new url: http://grahamglass.blogs.com/main/. there isn't any content yet, and i'm going to spend a few days playing around with it before committing to the switch. but so far, they provide a great user experience that is very fun and intuitive. there is a *lot* to be said for instant gratification.
9:42:45 PM
i must admit, i don't like the phrase "business process" much; i really just prefer "process". in my opinion, i think that *most* software should be defined at a higher level than java, and that the next generation of process automatation tools should be well suited for defining and executing any kind of process, not just the so-called "business process". frankly, i would have written glue and fabric (which would be classified as system-level software) using higher-level tools had they been available. i truly believe that the days of coding software using low-level languages like java will be over in 5 years or less.
9:30:31 PM
one of the blogs i visit regularly is http://blogs.atlassian.com/rebelutionary/. the graphic is simultaneously cool and disturbing. what exactly is mike doing with his hand, and why is that expression on his face? one hint: he's australian.
9:25:08 PM
i just finished "microsoft in the mirror", which is about around 20 people who left microsoft after making millions of dollars. it's a good read, with lots of interesting stories of life before and after working for microsoft. highly recommended.
9:23:09 PM
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