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Tuesday, September 24, 2002

A Penny Saved

Switching to my own nickel for my office expenses has meant changing some things around the house. My office long distance used to be billed directly to a company account, which was nice because I never had to deal with it. Now that I'm off the copmany teat I have to pick a new carrier.

We have a great consumer advocate in Atlanta named Clark Howard. Clark is the cheapest man on earth and his web site is filled with tips on saving and sources for cheap stuff. One area he covers a lot is long distance. While browsing Clark's site I found a link to OneSuite.

OneSuite sells LD calls for as low as 2.5 cents per minute. But better than that, they have a very usable service. There is a local exchange number right here in my little Atlanta exurb. That means I can call a local number to use the service (800 number is available if I'm traveling) but also means I'm not likely to get the intolerable busy signals I used to suffer when I tried using other cut-rate LD services.

OneSuite also lets me register my land lines so I don't have to use a PIN when calling from my office (or any other line I use regularly.) I can setup a phonebook of 2-digit "quick dial" numbers within the service. And I can configure the kind of information I get when I use the service -- I don't have to hear droning messages about how many minutes I have left if I don't want to.)

They're supposed to have a service called MessageOne available in October that will do Fax-to-e-mail and VM-to-e-mail for just $1/mo. Low Int'l rates, too, especially if you call Canada or China often.

Theme Mods

I need to change this Theme. I just don't like the 2-column layout. I want three columns -- a small column on the right for static items like Navigator links, Blogroll, and assorted static widgets. The small column on the left would get the dynamic things like recentTitledPosts, updated sites, etc.

I want to change the font sizes, too. I've been reading some of Scoble's stuff on fonts. I need to go read Mark Pilgrim's story on using relative font sizes. So many projects... so little time.

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Terry W. Frazier
1041 Honey Creek Road
Suite 281
Conyers, GA 30013
770-918-1937 office
404-822-6014 mobile

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