Updated: 9/11/06; 7:41:54 AM.

Sunday, January 2, 2005

Engadget picks up a BBC report that workers producing LCD and plasma monitors and TVs face risk of serious lung diseases, though there's reportedly no consumer hazard (other than the usual brain damage from too much teevee).

So, great news if you can afford to buy that 50-inch plasma display; lousy news if you[base ']ve got a job making them.

Only one case so far, but once again we're reminded that the clean, efficient, and ever-miniaturizing world of high tech presents us consumers with only the tip of a vast materials iceberg. (I think it was Paul Hawken who I first heard observe that a typical laptop computer represented some 20 tons of material that had been mobilized to produce it.)

10:29:31 PM    comment []  trackback []

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