Updated: 9/11/06; 7:45:33 AM.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

As part of the many-ringed circus that is UN World Environment Day in San Francisco, I'll be speaking at a session on The Sustainable Business Phenomenon: Leading Initiatives in Redefining Business. Thursday June 2, 2:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.

Speakers: Rory Bakke of event sponsor Alameda County Waste Management Authority/StopWaste.org; Natural Logic CEO Gil Friend (wait, that's me!), Joel Makower of GreenBiz.com. Moderated by Alison Wise, Executive Director of Sea Change.

Here's the program description:
This workshop provides participants with a unique opportunity to learn how they can be engaged as stakeholders in the development of the first universal standard and rating system for sustainable businesses. The process under development [builds on] Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), which is now the premiere certification system for green buildings [and the Global Reporting Initiative, the premier corporate reporting standard]. We invite participants to join us in learning how they can become involved in the creation of what we project will be the leading certification for sustainable business.

A panel of experts on what constitutes a 'sustainable business' will begin the session by succinctly identifying trends in industry and public policy that are presenting opportunities for companies to show leadership, vision and expertise in their pursuit of excellence and efficiency. Next, we will give a comprehensive overview of the process and assumptions we are using in developing our SBRS stakeholder engagement project. Topics... amalgamate criteria derived from the leading standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and the Financial Times 'FTSE for Good' Index...[and] reflect concerns relating to Corporate Governance, Community, Workplace, Marketplace, and Environment... capturing the complexity and synergy that permeates best practices for sustainability.

Location: Metreon, 101 Fourth Street, 94103 Directions
10:59:05 PM    comment []  trackback []

There's a rich and fascinating new multi-author blog at http://NextBillion.net, the handiwork of the inestimable World Resources Insitute.

No, not about making or spending or taxing the next billion dollars. About bringing the next billion people into some measure of success. This is bottom of the pyramid in action - or it lease in interestig discussion reporting on the action.

At the top of the list today:
Allen Hammond, Big Ideas on Reaching the BOP
Stuart Hart, Why is capitalism facing challenges right now?
Luiz Roz, Mexico and Brazil to host BoP Workshops

And many more. Check it out.
10:37:55 AM    comment []  trackback []

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