Updated: 9/11/06; 7:45:36 AM.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Joel Makower's been bloggin' up a storm this week. Recent topics include:

'The Soul of Environmentalism' -- Forget environmentalism's 'death.' Turns out, the environmental movement is alive and well -- and has got soul. That's the message from a provocative paper, published today, in which nine prominent activists, academics, and policy analysts have made bold assertions and given voice to those left out of the 'Death of Environmentalism' discussions: people working in the influential sustainability and environmental justice fields, as well as Latinos and African-Americans in general.

Seeing the Forest: The Complex Realities Behind Environmental Paper Procurement - [T]here's evidence that the approach even the most well-intentioned companies take toward environmental paper procurement may not even be effective from a sustainability perspective.

Water and Business: A Rising Tide of Concern - The world's freshwater supply is at risk and the question is when and where, not whether, there will be major droughts or shortages that could have a major disruptive effect on business and society.
8:15:29 AM    comment []  trackback []

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