Updated: 9/11/06; 7:46:19 AM.

Monday, July 4, 2005

WorldChanging.com published a piece the next day, coincidentally, on Density as Efficiency, reporting on research
comparing the energy efficiency of "high-density urbanism" to Energy Star-rated homes. The result was surprising, even to people already inclined towards dense urban environments: even the maximum Energy Star savings was beaten by moderately-dense development of 12 housing units per acre. At 48 units per acre -- a moderate apartment or condominium complex -- the energy savings were double that of maximum Energy Star. The savings arise largely from efficiencies in infrastructure and transportation. The combined effect of higher-density living and usable non-auto transit is called location efficiency.

Jamais Cascio offered a stack of questions on how to extend and propagate those advantages:
  • How much could household energy savings be improved using design elements such as R-2000, phase-changing wax insulation, and White LED lighting?
  • How can communities now heavily dependent upon autos transition to more energy-efficient characteristics?
  • What steps have the best payoff in terms of encouraging location efficiency?
  • How can higher-density urbanism attract [the] same desirability [as single-family home ownership]?
  • What aspects of higher-density urbanism are in most need of re-evaluation?
  • How can we reduce [the] financial cost [of higher-density urbanism]?
  • To what degree [are high prices] a function of too little supply and too much demand, and therefore mitigated by increased higher-density urbanism in periphery locations?
  • How much of an improvement would come from applying Energy Star (or better) efficiencies to higher-density urbanism? That is -- just how good could we get, if we really tried?
This posting triggered LOTS of comments from readers (don't know whether because of the subject or holiday-time-on-folks hands) including this little gem from Laurence Aurbach:

The Lincoln Institute's Visualizing Density website is a great resource for understanding what density looks like. It's a database of aerial photos showing U.S. neighborhoods at a wide range of densities.

We were discussing density at dinner tonight. One person speculated that people don't like density. They do in Paris, I suggested. Yeah, on vacation, he offered. Ah, but Parisians do too, I responded. I haven't scanned the polls, but I do know this: design, vitality and conviviality have a big impact on how a place feels.

11:10:56 PM    comment []  trackback []

hanginggarden.jpgIn celebration of their 3,000th post, our friends at WorldChanging.com have been posting contributions from guest writers, and asked me to be one. They ran this piece which I wrote with my wife (and director of Natural Logic), Jane Byrd.

As the recent World Environment Day events recently reminded us, we now live on a majority urban planet. Back to the land? Ain't gonna happen, folks - and probably shouldn't, since six or 10 or 12 billion people spread out across the landscape could make many aspects of the human footprint worse instead of better.

Which may be why "density" is on the lips of so many world changing types lately. Infill and smart growth strategies are doing worthy battle with both traditional developers and well-intentioned NIMBYs (who sometimes seem to think that people shouldn't live anywhere...)

But as with so many world changing initiatives, the exciting - and often most practical - work lies in profound challenges to both the lock-in of status quo and the incremental palliatives of "reasonable" measures; Paolo Soleri's Arcosanti, Richard Register's EcoCity Berkeley, Institute for Local Self-Reliance's self-reliant communities, and the Zero Ecological Footprint city that keeps colonizing my imagination.

The key to surviving urban density: photosynthesis, economy, convivality.

So much surface area. So little time. But what if cities weren't desolate badlands with hard hot surfaces and minimal plant life. What if native plant life could colonize city surfaces, roof tops and walls? And what if it wasn't that hard to do? And oh so easy to live with/within?

What if cities - the inventors of agriculture, according to Jane Jacobs - could one again (or for the first time) be net producers of food, energy, clean water and clean air?

A flowering of projects - some new, some quite venerable - address cities as living systems. Living systems with metabolisms - flows and transformations of energy and materials into product and non-product, desired and undesired results - that, if understood, can perhaps guide us to creating cities that, like living systems, produce net value, powered by sun and wind.

My first "environmental" project, 30+ years ago (after a mind-bending month immersed in Bucky Fuller's "World Game Workshop" - at that time a month-long design charrette for "a world that works for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone"), was rooftop agriculture a little past shouting distance of the White House at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance.

ILSR's 20 Year Track Record Promoting Sustainable Communities is up to 31 years now, and the Insitute (which I'm proud to have co-founded) remains a unique resource for linking the visions of environment, economy and social weal long before that was coined the "triple bottom line."
Every year since its founding ILSR has researched the feasibility of communities generating a significant amount of wealth from local resources and has worked with the increasing numbers of communities interested in moving in that direction.

In 1974 our conceptual framework was novel. ILSR was the first to systematically apply the concept of local self-reliance to urban areas. A 1975 PlowBoy interview in Mother Earth News with ILSR's founders presented this concept to readers who had been exposed only to the notion of rural self-sufficiency. ILSR offered a vision of sustainable, self-reliant cities that extract the maximum value from their local human, capital and natural resources. That vision cut across traditional environmental, economic development and community development lines.

Can we imagine cities married to their native plant communities and the bioregional agroecosystems upon which our lives depend. Cities that integrate commerce and ecology in mutual support. Cities as living architectures, oases for soil and souls. Imagining it, visualizing it, calling for it, are the first steps to having it be so.

It's "sex in the city" but even better: buildings revisioned as substrates for soil and plants, as fertile homes for birds and bees and other endangered pollinators thriving on native plant communities climbing walls, hanging garden watersheds, filling pools and waterfalls, green bridge corridors from roof top to roof top garden. Color, commerce, culture, food production, soil and wild habitat creation, thriving together in biodiversifying, climate buffering cities.

As living architecture designer Paul Kephart puts it:
What is the purpose of incorporating natural day light, healthy environments, and energy efficiency if, as professionals, we don't simultaneously design for beauty, for ecology, and for culture.

Ecologist Aurora Mahassine, Kephart's design collaborator, combines her experience as a mosaic artist contemporary materials, structural engineering research, and scientific understanding of the bio-region, to turn barren vertical walls - not just rooftops - into beautiful homes for indigenous plants, insects, and birds.

Green roofs? Sure. (And be sure to check out the gorgeous green roof book from EarthPledge.) But beyond industrial lawn green roofs to integrated city-nature systems that weave a sweet symbiosis between people and planet.

What if native plant communities could colonize the vertical walled cement surfaces AND horizontal roof tops of our cities? What if we unpaved parking lots and put in some paradise? What if buried creeks and forgotten watersheds were brought to the surface to nourish city ecosystems with life giving water? What if rainwater was captured with both roofs and permeable paving, and cleansed on site before recharging aquifers all around us, unburdening the oceans of toxic runoff? What if urban life - our inescapable human future - were an ecological delight, as well as - at least come of the time - a cultural delight as well?

Some of this future will appear in brand new cities designed do it right the first time - like the seven new cities in China for which Bill McDonough is developing the planning templates; some from the new high-density infill cities that some of us are developing in North America; some from the re-habitation in place of the structures and infrastructres we've inherited - like Vancouver's 500 acre sustainability district - rebuilding the plane in midflight.

Which ever it is, Dylan (Thomas) said it well:

The force that through the green fuse drives the flower;
Drives my green age...

10:49:50 PM    comment []  trackback []

A perfect day, somewhere between sports events, picnics and fireworks, to re-read the Declaration of Independence. A most remarkable document, well worth reading once a year, 'whether you need it or not.' (Echo of that old joke about cowboys taking a bath once a week, whether...)

A stunning and still compelling piece of work, undiminished by any of Jefferson's flaws.

(My day includes all of those, plus some serious planning -- something I'm investing lots more time in these days, and very pleased with the ROI -- plus hopefully catching up on the long lapses in blogrhythm, while still wondering how some people manage to blog so much and still have lives.... Oh... THAT's it!)

BTW, as long as you're reading declarations, have a look at John Perry Barlow's Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, and the Sustainable Business Declaration of Leadership I wrote for the Sustainable Business Rating System initiative.
10:37:06 AM    comment []  trackback []

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