I can't quite figure out what that headline actually means (did they
mean 'more than a fad'?), and the survey that GreenClips, cites from
Facility Management Journal (May/Jun 05, p 20) may not be a scientific
survey, but it's still interesting.
In a study of 557 International Facility Management Association
(IFMA) members (respondents from 5,400 randomly selected U.S. and
Canadianmembers), the majority of respondents said they have
implemented a variety of sustainable practices. Most respondents do not
have a master implementation plan, but rather selectively choose
different sustainable practices.
(And here I experiment with tables in Firefox...)
Greening measures
| | In place |
Planned | No plans |
Use of natural
daylight | 78% | 6% |
16% | Lighting fixture retrofits (other than
EPA-directed) | 67% |
14% | 19% | Purchasing recycled office
products | 67% | 8% |
25% |
| Importance
of reasons for greening facilities
| | Very |
Some | Not | Improved employee health and
productivity | 76% |
22% | 2% | Cost savings |
72% | 24% |
4% | Environmental responsibility |
65% | 33% |
2% |
No big surprises
there, but a couple of small ones, at least for me:
- the high "in place" for daylighting (good news, that!)
- the high "no plans" for recycled content products, and that
- employee health and productivity trumped cost savings (the expected
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