Science communication should be of immense importance and interest LIS professionals. What sorts of things about science do professional science communicators (journalists, editors, scientists, engineers, and science educators) try to communicate to the public? Of course the Nature debates and the American-Scientist Open Access Forum are well-known but it is quite gratifying to see discussions on open access (in 2003) on the Australian Science Communicators (ASC)-List, for example. I wonder if there has been in-depth discussions of Open Access on JESSE (LIS educators' list) or librarian-majority lists like LITA-L and Web4Lib? And, what these discussions look like. A search in JESSE for "open access" retrieved 72 messages. Most were announcements such as those about DLIST, the JCDL-CTA workshop, and the SEP Bibliography and the related Open Access Bibliography. Only one could even be remotely relevant for our purposes: a call for a discussion of core values for the profession which listed open access as a value.
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