Robed Rapist (continued)
All over the press in India and SA, the plot thickens. The Sunday Times has the weekend wrap-up, suggesting that his future legal career might be compromised, and wondering why he did it. The judge has been freed from the black hole of Mumbai after a frightful week, while the reluctant victim, who stored the used condom in her hotel mini-bar, has withdrawn charges (how un-PC of the Indian judge, I mean the Mumbai Indian judge, to suggest that the Salomé the seductress should have been able to defend herself at 86Kg); while it turns out that the wronged husband, who wasted no time in calling the press and talk radio, has been on the wrong side of legal decisions of Judge Desai, and seems to be a dodgy guy all around. The whole thing stinks, more reminiscent of the Nadia Abrahams/Brian Ebden sting on Sir Alex Ferguson last year, which also has vanished into the woodwork.
10:25:46 PM