Updated: 11/14/2005; 1:14:36 AM
Redwood Asylum (emeritus)
...by the inmates...for the inmates...

daily link  Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Web Analytics Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Eric Peterson of Jupiter Research on web analytics key performance indicators (KPIs)
Follow-up to my presentation on Key Performance Indicators. Since it seems that there is quite an interest in Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on the number of JupiterResearch... [Eric Peterson]
10:00:19 PM
categories: Web Analytics

Doc Searls on bRoadcaStingS
Sweeeet. Just another RSS enclosure?


The idea of syndicating broadcasts on the Web with RSS is catching on.

Yesterday Dave Pentecost put up a pile of links. Among them is Joi's BitTorrent public tracker needed. Read the comments. Dave adds,

What's needed: a plugin for MT that gives MT users what Radio users already enjoy - the ability to embed RSS enclosures in their posts, and have them coded into the RSS feeds.

[The Doc Searls Weblog]
9:49:57 PM
categories: Radio Fun

The Practical Enslavement of Lower Mammals
Hmmmm. Can I scale this up to work with a Chihuahua?

Hamster Powered Light.


Here’s a good step-by-step on how to enslave lower mammals in to producing power for a night light. Rodent power (specifically power from Skippy the hamster) isn’t the easiest thing to take advantage of, but the article does a good job explaining the components and what’s needed to get the pet juice (err…you know what we mean). This might make up for all the power that was wasted on that hamster dance back when everyone first discovered the Web.

9:30:37 PM 

Keep Your Lawyers In Your Pants

I love Cory's closing line: "If they'd just kept their lawyers in their pants, they'd still be sitting pretty."

Similar advice applies to the RIAA, MPAA, et al. If you'd just put your lawyers back in your pants, and work with your customers, you could make much more money. The longer you treat your customers as criminals, the longer it will take to ramp up your revenue stream. Nowadays, the first reaction of too many companies to a new business environment seems to be... unzip!

I know a company that understands this "zip it up" philosophy.  Several years ago they, along with their largest competitor, agreed to drop some long-standing lawsuits. Both companies decided their time and $$ might be better spent conducting business. They both tucked their lawyers back into their pants and zipped up. Unique concept... serving your customers and shareholders instead of waving your things at each other. Duh!

This Land is Your Land is actually in the public domain. Cory Doctorow: JibJab's hilarious election-year parody of Woody Guthrie's "This Land is Your Land" has been spared from death-by-litigation...It turns out that Woody Guthrie's initial publication of This Land is eleven years earlier than previously thought, which means that the copyright renewal filed by Ludlow, the carpetbaggers who bought his estate's publishing rights, was eleven years too late...

The most delicious aspect of this is that Ludlow could have gone on treating Guthrie's song as a copyrighted work, collecting licensing fees from anyone who was not making a fair use of the song ... had they not decided to pull a Lord Vader on JibJab, the poor, abused parodists. Reminds me of when Sony sued an Aussie dictionary for defining "walkman" as a generic personal stereo, which resulted in the court finding that the dictionary was correct, Sony was wrong, and walkman is generic. If they'd just kept their lawyers in their pants, they'd still be sitting pretty. Link (Thanks, Donna and Chris!) [Boing Boing]

9:01:39 PM source

You Can't Have Too Many RSS Readers
Just when you thought there was an application safe from RSS...

RSS in Microsoft Excel!?.

Nothing to install, nothing to tweak, nothing to do with spreadsheets - but you can read your RSS feeds in Microsoft Excel! I guess we’ll soon see more accountants grokking the concept of desktop syndication. I just can’t wait for someone to develop a plugin for Notepad - now that would be the ultimate aggregator, wouldn’t it? Or what about Microsoft Paint for moblogs? I’m telling you, the possibilities are endless - and I think… By chris@pirillo.com (Chris Pirillo). [Lockergnome's RSS & Atom Tips]
8:53:02 PM
categories: Radio Fun

Small Penis? Buy More Cameras!
For all the boys without enough toys...
Olympic gadget lust. Xeni Jardin: Snapshots of all of the different sorts of crazy cool digital SLR gear used by photographers during one event at the Athens Olympics. Link (Thanks, Rob Galbraith) [Boing Boing]
8:44:24 PM source

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