Updated: 11/14/2005; 1:15:00 AM
Redwood Asylum (emeritus)
...by the inmates...for the inmates...

daily link  Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Gmail Anyone?
As mentioned earlier, Dean in the heartland was kind enough to bootstrap me into Gmail. (I know, I know, I need a new email account like I need another hole in the head. Why do you think I've avoided Gmail so far?) I now have several invitations of my own to pass out. My son added one to his collection. My daughter never checks her existing email, so what would be the point? Hi Crystal! You want it, duck?

Anyone from my place of employment want one? I think everyone already has Gmail, but maybe someone missed out? 
11:33:26 PM
categories: Personal

More Readers? Bah, Humbug!
I may get a few more folks from work reading this web log as a result of my RSS presentation today. Waste of their time, but... no accounting for taste. Anyone interested in this drivel has long since located the public material written under my own name.
  • 10,000 monkeys?
  • 10,000 typewriters?
  • 10 pounds crap?
  • 5 pound bag?
11:20:09 PM
categories: Personal, Radio Fun

RSS at Work
Introduced my peers and senior director at work to web feed syndication using RSS today. Watching their faces, I saw a few lights go on. I acted as enthusiastic as possible, but this is all so old hat. (I may have overdone the enthusiasm a bit, but figured I'd only get one last shot at this.) In addition, we don't have the resources to address the business process side. Many times, the technology is easy, and the business side is hard. This is actually the third (and a half) time I've broached the subject. One senior manager from the meeting later asked me to trim the pitch to 15 minutes and present to his staff. Here we go again.

It is typically 18 to 24 months from the time I pitch a new concept to the time we use it. It has already been over 2 years since my first RSS pitch. Only so much space in a 5 pound bag. You have to walk before you can crawl. Insert random platitude here. Basic web site, improved navigation, email campaigns, support forums, online service requests, content management systems, search engine optimization, extranets, intranets, newsletters, net seminars, localization, personalization, analytics, web logs, syndication, surveys, user experience, customer relationship management, et al. These are just a few of the many tools allowing companies to crown the customer as king. Everyone (given the funding) eventually uses the same broad tool set, just implemented in a different order and at a different pace. Is anyone having fun yet?

For those who asked, the RSS pitch was an update to the old slides you've seen here before. I'd post them again, but, be honest... does Google really need another lame "introduction to web syndication using RSS" presentation? To paraphrase Chandler Bing - "Could there be any more RSS resources available?" 
10:24:59 PM 

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