Updated: 11/14/2005; 1:15:03 AM
Redwood Asylum (emeritus)
...by the inmates...for the inmates...

daily link  Thursday, September 02, 2004

RSS Presentation Quotes
During the RSS presentation I gave yesterday, as expected, the following generated smiles:

"Explaining RSS is like explaining sex. You just don't get it until you do it."
George Siemens elearnspace 7/11/2003

Also, as expected, this quote generated frowns:

"It's medieval to make your customers come to you."
Martha Rogers, Co-Author, "The One to One Future"
FastCompany "Listen Up" May 2000

Some people understand that I take a stand to make people think. Others don't. Are we having fun yet? 
1:04:29 AM
categories: Radio Fun

Copyright 2005 © Bruce Zimmer