Friday, September 05, 2003

Connecting Learning Objects with RSS (Really Simple Syndication).

"The exisiting emphasis in LO management has been the building of repositories (metadata, tagging, central organziation), with less thought to the use of LOs. The metadata and repository paradigm is daunting, complex and expensive. The exhausting efforts of standards bodies notwithstanding, functionally most repositories are silos - XML-RPC and SOAP protocols have yet to cohere into a viable network."

This is a brief summary of RSS and how and why to use it to connect learning objects in repositories, with particular emphasis on the Canadian experience in CAREO and at Maricopa.

For the e-Learning entrepreneur, this could provide a path for clients to create their own repositories of reusable learning objects without the expense of an LMS or LCMS.  


2:37:07 PM