Thursday, April 27, 2006

Keep your podcasts legal.


Podcasting Legal Guide: Rules For The Revolution.

Podcasting can be daunting. Who's who and what's what!

The all-new, PODCASTING LEGAL GUIDE: RULES FOR THE REVOLUTION is now available free of charge at:

As quoted...

'The purpose of this Guide is to provide you with a general roadmap of some of the legal issues specific to podcasting. EFF has produced a very practical and helpful guide for issues related to blogging generally ( This Guide is not intended to duplicate efforts by EFF, and in many cases refers you to that guide for where crossover issues are addressed. Our goal is to complement EFF's Bloggers FAQ and address some of the standalone issues that are of primary relevance to podcasters, as opposed to bloggers.'

Please do make the time to read and digest the facts and podcast legaleze found across its' pages.

We highly commend all involved and professionally consider this timely podcast guide as a job well done.

News Department
PodCast Radio Show

[PodCast Radio Show: PodCast Marketing]
11:45:06 AM