Social design patterns
Flemming is thinking about pattern languages. I'm extremely interested in that topic. I think the concept holds considerable promise for helping us capture design wisdom and organize our thoughts in all areas. However, I'm not sure that the standard form that Christopher Alexander originally gave to them should be considered definitive, even though many people have reused it "as is".
Recently I've found many people who are seriously interested in patterns of a social nature. Tom Munnecke has come up with the idea of an Uplift Pattern Language. John C. Thomas along with two other researchers have a proposal for a socio-technical pattern language (pdf) on the table. Plus there are some 150 patterns in the DIAC-02 ("Shaping the Network Society") repository (a lot of them unpolished, though), and a few have been published in the Community Technology Review (scroll down to the International section).
12:23:28 AM