My interests are web collaboration and communities, social networking software, software marketing, and "open organizations" [similar to "open source software"]. At SPM eGroup we are attempting to create an "open organization".
She recently wrote a short essay linking how the SPM group used the strength of weak ties to reach a large number of job posters at zero cost.
The Software Product Marketing (SPM) eGroup is unique in using social networking theories as the basis for its processes. In particular, SPM uses Stanford Professor Mark Granovetter’s “Strength of Weak Ties” as the guide in building its marketing database, which consists of anyone who may have an appropriate job opening. This includes internal and external recruiters, executive search firms, human resources managers, venture capitalists and company hiring managers. While SPM is becoming much more than just a job site, here we focus on how SPM uses Granovetter’s “Strength of Weak Ties” to better serve its members (job seekers) and its market (job posters).
(By the way, if you're looking for Granovetter's paper, drop me a line and I'll send you a copy.)
Nice (OK, not all so nice) back-and-forth on the RDF (Resource Description Framework) standard over at Joi's, featuring Dave Winer and Danny Ayers among others. The acronym finder may come in handy. (Thanks Marc for pointing to the action.)
On a related note:
The Semantic Web Challenge asks to build "an attractive integrated example of what the Semantic Web can provide". Simple, eh?