A palindrome is a string that reads the same in reverse. This one, created by Peter Norvig (who is Director of Search Quality at Google) starts with "A man, a plan, a caddy" and ends with "Steele, Roydd, a canal, Panama". The middlepoint letter is a Y.
I plan to attend this session remotely. Jay Cross will interview Knowledge Management pioneer Verna Allee, then practitioners from Intel, Novell, ChevronTexaco, and KAPS Group will share their perspectives on the convergence of KM and eLearning.
You've heard of Knowledge Management, but do you know how to put it into practice? How would you apply it to an eLearning strategy? Join us when two of the Bay Area's premier organizations in KM and eLearning join forces for a lively and interactive exploration of best practices and case studies at the convergence of e-Learning and Knowledge Management.