Many thanks to Joi for giving John Perry Barlow the extra push he needed to start his own weblog!
My method of communication with you has been generally about as
interactive as Rush Limbaugh's. I broadcast and then take a few calls
(or e-mails, as the case may be) which I have not shared.
I've often thought about passing them on, because they are usually
as wonderful, thoughtful, witty, and intelligent as you are. But I
didn't want to burden you with even more e-mail than you're already
gagging on. It felt selfish not to share such an embarrassment of
riches, but I know that if you start getting too much mail from me, you
filter it into another mailbox which you never get around to opening.
(Maybe this message is sitting just such a black hole now.)
The solution has been obvious for some time: put up a blog. Then,
instead of sending your responses to me alone, you can send them to
everyone who reads the blog.
Anchors are marked spots within a HTML page that you can use as link
URLs for fine-grained linking. While handy, anchors are not always easy
to find in a page. Now Matt Mower has put together a "Show Anchors"
bookmarklet that will reveal them on any page you're visiting. Just
drag the previous link into your links toolbar, and click. On my page,
stars will show up before every post. Works in Mozilla, not sure about
in one fell stroke of a stripe of red midst the deep blues, Barnett Newman defeated
the entire reprint industry. They can copy his stripe all they wish,
duplicate every non-variance of his pigment tone and brushwork, even
blow their copies up just as high and mighty, but they cannot usurp his
work's position as the Voice of Fire.
[...] Only this ephemerial state of being the uncapturable, the marker of a place in time and space, the now of being here, this is the only option in a digital rebroadcast future, an inevitable convergence path for all art in a digital age.