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  Saturday, October 12, 2002

I really struggle with the concept of entitlement. The idea that people have an inalienable right to anything other than life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness just doesn't sit well with me. What bothers me even more is the fact that, in order to give somebody something, you have to take it away from somebody else.

Take affirmative action, for example. It's basically reverse discrimination. You take away something that was rightfully earned through hard work by a member of the majority, and you give it to someone less qualified because that person is a member of the minority. How is that better than segregation? Does affirmative action move us closer to justice and equality? It doesn't. It institutionalizes injustice. Some of you may not believe me, but if I was a minority I would want to compete based on my qualifications, and not on the color of my skin or any other distinguishing factor.

I guess there is an underlying belief that some people have. That belief is that life should be fair, and that no one should have a better chance at getting something than someone else. But I ask, how could that work without infringing on the rights of others? If I am poor, I'm not entitled to a rich person's wealth, just because of my poorness. Our country is already in the distribution of wealth business. I don't know why we think that will solve problems. Now, I don't believe that children should go hungry, or that people should have to live in the street. But I am opposed to the welfare state that we have now. I have seen what socialism and communism do to contries, and I don't want that to happen to my country.

2:14:35 PM    comment []

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