Paresh Suthar's Radio Weblog : And that's all I have to say about that - Forrest Gump
Updated: 1/21/2005; 10:16:41 AM.


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Friday, November 01, 2002

Life without Groove

I'm working on a big project.  Its very intense right now.  I'm back and forth from the office to my house, working constantly.  (Yeah, I know its unhealthy - but we have to ship!)  I've migrated my development environment to this laptop, but in so doing I had to temporarily disable my Groove account.  This turned out to be a bad idea.  I hadn't realized how much I depend on Groove now.  It has become fundemental in the way I get work done. 

For example, I work closely with another engineer.  I'm constantly sending him messages and chatting.  Often we're in real-time and we'll have a chat window open and we're debugging stuff and dropping new binaries in the space.  We can do so much together so quickly that it becomes natural and the tool is suddenly transparent.  I think it got so transparent for me that I took it for granted.

Last night I got a temporary account running and rejoined the space for my project again.  The cool thing is that its now GWS enabled so my next post to the space will have to come from a remote SOAP call!  The natural flow of communication came back, and all was right in my world.

Groove takes some getting used to.  And it takes some effort.  Groove is not just technology, but its also centered around people.  It takes effort from both fronts.  Just because you have some collaboration software doesn't mean you suddenly know how to collaborate online.  It takes some practice.  But the payoff can be huge.  I can't imagine life without Groove... [via John Burkhardt's Weblog]

8:04:40 AM    comment []

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