Paresh Suthar's Radio Weblog
And that's all I have to say about that - Forrest Gump

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I had played Barron last week from a ladder match last week - he's pretty good and gave me a sound beating in two matches.
I had the chance to play him again this week - he's still pretty good and gave me a milder beating this time.  I held my own in the first match, where he was leading 10-1 and I came back to tie at 10's.  It was an incredible rally, and one that pretty much drained all of my energy.  Barron has this killer shot where he hits the ball downwards at the right side wall near the front wall and it just ricochets off of the front wall about an inch off of the ground.  He also has this unusual shot where he hits the ball high off of the front wall so that it bounces off the ceiling, continuing it path to the middle of the court and bouncing high to the back wall - it's a really disorienting shot that gave him a few points during the game. 
Long story cut short - Barron had to fight for the first game, but I succumbed to fatigue early into the second match and he had his way with me.

8:18:01 PM    comment []

“If we can convert 5, 10, 15 percent of the peer-to-peer users that have been obtaining our product from illegitimate sources to becoming legitimate buyers of our product, that has the potential of a huge impact on our industry and our economics.”
Well the ISPs better prepare for this in the event it takes off.  BitTorrent uses well known ports for optimal "sharing", and some ISPs attenuate/block these ports and prevent traffic as a [lame] method for preventing illegal downloading of copyrighted content.  The real big deal for some ISPs is that the upload streams would grow in size and frequency - this is a huge burden for asymmetric internet connectivity (e.g. cable modems).  Currently many of these ISPs limit the amount of uploading you can perform in a specified period of time, and if you exceed the limit, the ISP severly restricts your bandwidth (down and up) until you call the ISP and ask for forgiveness.

9:14:00 AM    comment []

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