Updated: 8/15/2007; 1:02:21 PM

Dispatches from the Frontier
Musings on Entrepreneurship and Innovation

daily link  Saturday, August 10, 2002

I'm Dave Bayless.  Recently, I started writing Dispatches from the Frontier as a newsletter for the friends and members of the Pioneer Entrepreneurs community.  Some of the first issues were a tad esoteric.  So, I'm going to try posting my thought pieces and mental meanderings here and keep the related newsletter a bit more applied.

In the first few issues of the newsletter, I tackled the question of whether or not there was a capital gap on the economic frontier, why it might exist, and what might be done about it.  For the sake of convenience, I've posted three extracts: There is More Than One Kind of Startup, Know Thy Investor, and Bridging the (Capital) Gap.  These three pieces laid the groundwork for a presentation I made not long ago in Santa Fe.

11:31:19 AM permalink 

Copyright 2007 © W. David Bayless