Updated: 8/15/2007; 1:02:22 PM

Dispatches from the Frontier
Musings on Entrepreneurship and Innovation

daily link  Sunday, August 25, 2002

In its September issue Red Herring magazine reports, "Extortion-style funding dies an early (and timely) death."  Welcome news, but I suspect that the damage has already been done.  The venture capital industry may have blown the trust that is the basis for the industry.  It could take a long time to recover. 
2:05:03 PM permalink 

Entrepreneurs miss opportunities to engage in conversations with prospective investors and connectors to such investors.  In doing so, they are neglecting the fact that financing transactions are more often than not predicated upon relationships, and relationships require conversation. 
10:27:28 AM permalink 

Copyright 2007 © W. David Bayless