Pushing the envelope

Darren's take on Java, agile methods, cool open source stuff, interesting technologies and other random wanderings through the land of blog.
Updated: 26/01/2003; 11:51:03.
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Apache Jakarta Project
XP Developer

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Russell Beattie
Eugene Belyaev
Tony Bowden
Mike Cannon-Brookes
Jeff Duska
Paul Hammant
Scott Johnson
Brett Morgan
Rickard Öberg
James Strachan
Joe Walnes

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  18 November 2002

The shroud of the dark side is falling

I like Perl. I feel like I should go to a meeting or start a 12 point plan or something. I've volunteered to work on a project at work that is using Perl, as I've wanted to see it in action for a while, and I have to say that it is scarily seductive. It just does what you want and gets out of the way. Provided you know how to tell it what you want.

One thing in my defense: I am entirely unconvinced that there should be 'More Than One Way To Do It'. I got terribly confused with some date manipulations due to the 'localtime' function returning zero-indexed (0-11) months, and the Date::Calc module expecting 1-indexed (1-12) months. Sometimes its just easier to have Only One Way To Do It.

The OO stuff also looks like a dodgy aftermarket bolt-on...

11:30:30 PM      comment []

Language Loss

Books and Words

Learning another language is tough. Amazingly tough. Cedric is going to post about accents some other day, which should be interesting. My accent in Spanish is horrible... I feel for the people who have to try to have conversations with me every day. I need another 3 years here at least.

-Russ [Russell Beattie Notebook]

Learning another language is certainly tough. Knowing that you used to speak one and can no longer is also a bummer. Its hardly my fault - I was 5 when we left Brazil. But when my parents recount stories of how my mother used to get me to translate for her, I feel gutted that I have (apparently) utterly lost all my Portugese. I would love to go to Brazil or Portugal to work just to see if I could regain my childhood facility with the language, but unfortunately its hard enough to maintain a software career in your native country currently, let alone try to make a go of it overseas. Darn.

11:20:49 PM      comment []

© Copyright 2003 Darren Hobbs