Chi Lib Rocks! : Chicago Libraries Rock! This blog is a service of the Chicago Library System, for its member libraries and librarians. Please send comments, press releases, etc. to:
Teri Ross Embrey, Chicago Library System, For a detailed discussion of topics and items mentioned in the blog, check out our online community, CLS Online.
"Ann Landers advice is taken by library []" This recent news item from the Chicago Tribune highlights the Chicago Public Library's purchase at auction of the 28 box Ann Landers archive.
"21st Century Librarian Award. For the third year, the students of Syracuse University School of Information Studies are pleased to announce the 21st Century Librarian Award. This year, a second award, the 21st Century New Librarian Award will recognize a librarian in his/her first three years post-MLS. get_comment_link(85121669) Add a comment [Catalogablog]"
Do you know of a Chicago librarian who would make a good candidate for this award? Please consider nominating a colleague today.