Tuesday, May 13, 2003 |
It's amazing what you write when you have nothing to say. I've spent the last two weeks with a short term goal: write in my weblog each day. I'm trying to work on my writing ability and structure, stretching literary muscles. What I've found is that while I enjoy the occasional "strectch", I'm no writer.
I feel compelled to make a "statement" each time I write. I sit in front of the keyboard without a coherent subject in mind, hoping that the writing will find itself to the web. I know realize my folly. Not many of you who read the content (right now, no one) will care. I'm not following a fundamental rule of writing: have something to say.
I have opinions. That's for sure. Ask anyone who works with me. Writing to hear your own opinion provides no value to yourself or others. As I'm fond of saying (recently), "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."
With that said, posts following this will have more meaning and a focus. Like this...
4:16:05 PM
Web Design and Freeway
I downloaded and installed freeway from Softpress yesterday. After a brief trial on some of their templates, I think I'm ready to start a new site on my own. I'm hoping to find a program that will allow me to easily develop simple structures for graphic-heavy websites. Quark Xpress would be great, but who has that kind of money, anyway?
8:37:08 AM
© Copyright 2005 Steve Kirks.