Updated: 10/18/2005; 7:51:47 AM

  Thursday, September 11, 2003

Lockergnome on RSS and ads

Chris mentions in this post that with RSS...

"When you don[base ']t like what you see, you can delete your subscription IMMEDIATELY."

... you can elimate the feeds carrying ads you don't like.  I subscribe to a feed that is all ads--bringing me info on deals from hundreds of websites.  RSS advertising has it's place and time, if done right.  The consumer will vote with their subscriptions and dollars.  Embedded feeds will always suck and besides, a clever person will filter them out anyway.

Userland Trackback bug

Trackback bug in Userland's Trackback implementation allows stuff like this.  Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger.  Please post this on your weblogs and let's get Jake and Dave's attention on this.  We don't need this kind of stuff right now.