Updated: 10/18/2005; 7:54:10 AM

  Friday, September 12, 2003

Upcoming Stories on house of warwick

Upcoming weblog stories:

  • Managing Information Overload--When RSS is like candy and you're a kid, sometimes eating too much makes your stomach hurt.
  • Evangelizing RSS
  • Updating Radio-generated content to pass XHTML validation (think Zeldman meets Radio)
  • Rewrite of the aggregator's display

Safari and autodetection of RSS feeds

This is something that sounds hackable at the least.  Brent, could something like this be done with WebKit's tools (asking out of ignorance)?

What if Safari detected RSS feeds?. Here's an idea for Safari: Many web sites/pages now offer an RSS feed equivalent of their contents, not unlike this weblog! As RSS is getting more and more popular, it would be cool if Safari would detect the presence of an RSS feed (through the tag) and activate a UI element on its toolbar that the user could use to drag to their favorite news reading program .... Say, NetNewsWire.

mockup of Safari toolbar with an RSS item [Karelia Software]

Betsy Devine says that Google should have done some research before buying Blogger.  Betsy, don't forget the millions of people hate Microsoft products and *still* buy the upgrades.  :>

Here's what an actual California recall ballot looks like. Link to scanned ballot (804x638 px jpeg), Discuss (Thanks, Gabe!) [Boing Boing Blog]