Updated: 10/18/2005; 11:02:08 AM

  Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Radio to Manila #3

Patrick and I have been hashing a Radio to Manila conversion. I found this post that Dave wrote to demonstrate a picture upload tool to Manila from Radio. The method for us would seem to be the same, just modify some of the code to meet the requirements like news items vs. discussion topics.

<%now%> update:  removed code from this post since it was trashing the layout of the desktop website for Radio.

Converrt Radio posts to Manila News items--Update

More research under my belt.  This is really rather trivial:

Write a Usertalk script that:

  • creates a new, empty news item in your Manila site
  • maps the Radio weblog data structure to the Manila equivalent
  • loops through each post, presenting a before (Radio) and after (Manila) and an approval button.
  • Shut down Radio.
  • Make a copy of the weblogData.root file and move that to the Manila server.
  • Run the above script.
Easy to write and loop with UserTalk
Easy to test--create a "junk" Manila site and run your script

Lose all comments since you go off the cloud. (may be another way to solve that)
Manila is more expensive than Radio.