New post in Radio category. Test of CSS IE/Win hack.
Behind the scenes at h-o-w
Making some behind the scenes changes at the web site level today. I've moved a couple of the graphics for stuff like RSS validation and removed the blogroll links in an effort to reduce the size of the homepage. After reading about another person's Google experience, well, I thought I'd try to head that off at the pass.
Posts on the home page are down to 5 vs. 7. RSS readers are not affected.
Fiddling with the Radio category, trying a new layout. It's not reducing the overall size, though. Weird.
Radio to Manila #4
The more I think about this, the more I think I need to do this inside of the Manila app. I'm lucky--I have access to the app on both sides--Radio and Manila--so I'm thinking:
Write a script that reads the content from Radio's weblogData.root, creates a new message subtable in the Manila website root file and finally copy the content from one to another.
Skeleton of a Radio post:
--Table Title equals post number --Subtables: -- --categories
A post's assigned Radio category, roughly corresponding to a Manila news department. This single item is where most of the hard work will get done.
-- --flNotOnHomePage
Not sure about this yet. Can't find a Manila equivalent.
-- --text
This is the 'meat' of the Radio post. Corresponds to the Manila post 'body' item. This will be a little hard because some of the department description is embedded here.
-- --trackback -- -- --inbound -- -- -- --urls -- -- --outbound -- -- -- --urls
All of this is (duh) trackback related. This makes my head hurt since the URL scheme for Radio and Manila are similar but different. Good news, though--the table structure is the same.
-- --when
Time when the Radio post was created. Matches the postTime in Manila. This is cake.
An obvious question: why don't you use Manila's post creation mechanism to do this for you? Well, I want the post date/time to match the Radio weblog, so if I let Manila create the post, then I'll have to change the time anyway. Anyone have ideas about this.
Thinking out loud: found in manilaSuite-- manilaSuite.discuss.addCategoryToMessage This might help to convert Radio categories.
More later...
Re-added code to automatically ping the Technorati server.