Updated: 10/18/2005; 1:38:02 PM

  Wednesday, July 07, 2004

What happened?

I spent a week making a transition to a Manila-based weblog with bad results caused by the operator, not the software. Radio and Manila have some fundamental structure differences that can not be easily reconciled, so I'm staying with Radio for now.

I've been using a piece of software that a friend wrote to try to upload the posts from Radio to Manila and I now realize it needs a tweak. It's pretty simple to change the message numbers on a Manila message to match the Radio posts, but the software doesn't do that yet. Patrick, if you are listening, we need to work on this more.

Sorry for the inconvenience, folks. RSS readers never knew much of a difference--I was redirecting the old URL to the new one, thanks to mainResponder in Manila. It also would have been the savior of my Google PageRank and permalinks, but I really lacked the programming chops to pull it off.

I didn't post much this week, so I pulled the best ones over to the Radio system. Sorry for the duplications.