Thinking out loud: RSS Feed for Radio Comments
If I was going to do this...
I'd install a callback in config.manila.commentSubmit that did the following:
1. Create a subtable in radioCommunityServerData.users.[usernum] called posts. 2. Add a subtable of adrData^.posts called [postNum]. 3. Populate the table with: commenter's name and comment text 4. Run a script that creates an RSS file using the contents of adrData^.posts.[postNum] and write the file to the static rendering folder as [postNum]CommentsRss.xml
The fourth item I haven't investigated, but there's already scripts to do it. We might need a wrapper script to set up the info correctly. The static file would be written to the user's directory (maybe?) and if there are no comments, the file won't be written.