Updated: 10/3/2005; 9:55:41 PM

  Monday, April 18, 2005

Thinking out loud: RSS Feed for Radio Comments

If I was going to do this...

I'd install a callback in config.manila.commentSubmit that did the following:

1. Create a subtable in radioCommunityServerData.users.[usernum] called posts. 2. Add a subtable of adrData^.posts called [postNum]. 3. Populate the table with: commenter's name and comment text 4. Run a script that creates an RSS file using the contents of adrData^.posts.[postNum] and write the file to the static rendering folder as [postNum]CommentsRss.xml

The fourth item I haven't investigated, but there's already scripts to do it. We might need a wrapper script to set up the info correctly. The static file would be written to the user's directory (maybe?) and if there are no comments, the file won't be written.

Tim Jarrett: "Astute readers (or folks who click to my site rather than just scanning my RSS feed) may have noticed that my tagline, which formerly read “This blogger is for hire,” has changed. Later today I will start my new job as product manager for iET Solutions, a company that makes software that manages IT services based on the ITIL standard, as well as more traditional customer and IT management offerings including helpdesk and CRM."

Congratulations, Tim! He goes on in the post to describe some of his job-hunting process and some observations along the way. Worth a read if you're leaving a job or searching for a new one...

Adam Curry dropped by the blog to respond to my recent choice to unsubscribe from the Daily source code. In the polite swordfight, his jab about Manila 9.5 was returned with this:

You're podcast has turned in to a chimera of the modern broadcast radio morning show--something I'm trying to avoid. Recording people without their knowledge or consent is already poor form, but combine that with your celebrity and it makes for a dangerous ethical mix.

As far as your allusion to "substantial" is concerned, it seems that you are attempting to extort my listenership by baiting me with a good review of UserLand's Manila product. I don't work that way and I hoped you didn't either.

I unsubscribed for other unspoken reasons: your content isn't as edgy or personal as it once was and the audio format doesn't fit in to my time budget (yes I commute, yes I have an iPod).

Original post and comment thread here.