Book Reviews
![]() Spectacular meteor shower won't return until 2098: "The Bay Area is due for an astounding meteor storm Monday night and early Tuesday -- a light show that astronomers say won't be equalled until 2098." [Google Technology News]
![]() New Notes In Music Downloads: "Internet music reached a milestone in its quest for legitimacy last week when two competing Web services owned by major record labels announced arrangements to sell songs from all five of the big labels." [Google Technology News]
![]() a klog apart points to From .blog to converged client.: "Moving forward, see a convergent software client emerge."
![]() David Brinkley: "The one function TV news performs very well is that when there is no news we give it to you with the same emphasis as if there were." [Quotes of the Day]
![]() Apple's New Net-Based Apps: "Yes the technologies we looked at in this article were all created by Apple. But now developers from outside companies will be able to integrate Internet data in their applications on the Mac platform." (Webmonkey via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]
![]() Massachusetts Anti-Spam Legislation: "The Massachusetts Attorney General is working on a new state Anti-Spam Bill. Some highlights of the bill include requiring unsolicited commercial e-mail to contain "ADV:" at the beginning of the subject line (which would make filtering spam much easier), and violations would be punishable by $500/message." []