Book Reviews
![]() News on IBM's Power5 Chip: "There's some news out today on IBM's Power5, which should make an appearance next year. Interestingly, from the sound of this article, they've put a lot of work into power consumption on this processor so that it can go in anything from blades to big iron. This may preclude the need for a specialized low-heat/power version, such as the 970, for anything other than laptops. Oh, yeah, and they hope to use it to wipe Itanium off the map." [MacSlash: A daily dose of Macintosh News and Discussion]
![]() Massive grid computing project aims for smallpox cure: "Like SETI@Home and other recent efforts, the power of millions of single PCs will be harnessed around the world." [Computerworld News]
![]() Science Notes: "Fish that dwell in polar waters have apparently figured out how to swim halfway around the globe. Danish researchers report finding a Patagonian toothfish in 2000, which usually stick around the south pole, off the coast of Greenland." [Google Technology News]
![]() Worm did dirty work at record-fast pace: "Slammer was the fastest computer worm ever, researchers say, spreading to more than 67000 computers around the world in 10 minutes on Jan. 25, closing bank machines, delaying flights and slowing Internet traffic." [Google Technology News]
![]() Stein Gives Bioinformatics Ten Years to Live: "Lincoln Stein reflects on the role of bioinformatics in his keynote address at the O'Reilly Bioinformatics Technology Conference." [A Man with a Ph.D. - Richard Gayle's Weblog < O'Reilly Network Articles]
![]() John Robb writes about a way to view your Radio weblog on your desktop: "Use this link [] only with Radio running. This can allow you to do two things: 1) provides you a preview of your weblog if you are publishing while disconnected (ie. a laptop on an airplane), and 2) allows you to use Radio as a personal journalling tool that is never published (this is a great way to create a extremely private back up brain of time organized notes)."
![]() Bush Data-Mining Plan in Hot Seat: "A bipartisan coalition calls for greater scrutiny of the Total Information Awareness program, saying the plan to scan public and private databases for suspicious terrorist threats may endanger civil liberties. By Julia Scheeres." [Wired News]