Book Reviews
![]() Chat with Seyed, creator of Blogshares: "So here are a few of my thoughts on Blogshares. Blogshares is fun. One of the problems with blogshares right now is that blogshare dollars mean different things to different people. Maybe this is OK. Maybe this is true with real money. The thing is, people are gifting me shares of their blogs and I feel guilty. Sure, I visit the site and take a look, but like when I receive real money, I feel guilty, but don't know what to do in return. I could link pack to them like Mark, but that seems like "selling out" to me. Also, it seems weird being serious about playing a game when not all of the players are playing to win." [Joi Ito's Web]
![]() Hydra as A Collaboration Tool: "I've started using Hydra in order to get notes for the meetings. This software is a great tool for having many people all collaborate inreal time for taking notes about the meeting. People can correct what others say, add links to external sites, etc. It is almost more fun than actually listening." [A Man with a Ph.D. - Richard Gayle's Weblog]
![]() Blog shareholders on my page: "Thanks to an MT plugin by David Raynes, I now have my Blogshares shareholders listed on my page. (See bottom of my sidebar). Now all I want is for the people's names to be clickable..." [Joi Ito's Web]
![]() Welcome to the blogosphere, Esther Dyson: "Well, there's no time to start a blog like when you run into Ev Williams at a conference (thanks, Tim O'Reilly) and he offers to help personally to set you up with your very own blog. [...] As I was saying to the bloggerati this morning (Doc & Allen Searls, the Davids of all persuasions, Richard Soderberg, Geoff Cohen, et al.), a lot of what I do is stuff I simply can't write about: internal meetings with portfolio companies, corporate regime change, private briefings and such. This blog will be an experiment covering the things I *can* talk about. But now I need to give this machine back so they can close the exhibit...." [Boing Boing Blog]
![]() Mosaic 10 years event at NCSA: "In Tuesday, April 29, 2003, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will host five of the nation's leading technologists to explore the future of computing and networking. This panel discussion will celebrate the 10th anniversary of NCSA's release of Mosaic, the world's first freely available graphical Web browser. Mosaic spurred a revolution in communications, business, education, and entertainment that has had a trillion-dollar impact on the global economy."