Book Reviews
![]() Grid and Web Services to converge: "The two big computing ideas of the twenty first century grid computing and web services were brought closer together by an announcement this week at GlobusWorld the grid conference run by Globus Alliance." [The Register]
![]() Mars seen in unprecedented detail: "The European Space Agency releases the early results from its Mars Express probe now orbiting the Red Planet." [BBC News | World | UK Edition]
![]() Linux Takes on the Windows Look: "Snazzy desktops are everywhere at this week's LinuxWorld. But as developers strive for a user-friendly interface, many roll out products that bear a striking resemblance to Microsoft software." [Wired News] This is strange. Microsoft copies the Mac look, and Linux copies the Windows look. This procedure seems to repeat ad infinitum. Apparently Mac OS X will be copied in Windows 2006 (Longhorn?), and probably Linux will copy that too. What about usability? Or some originality, please!
![]() The Top 20 Mac Programs Ever: "[W]e'll take a gander at the 20 Most Important (Not Necessarily Best) Mac Programs Ever. Some of them are best in their class products, others are just important archetypes of the Mac experience."
![]() Xserve G5 cluster unveiled: "Apple's focus on creating products that should be of use to the high-performance computing markets has spawned a new, little-known product combo - the Apple Workgroup Cluster for Bioinformatics. This is a pre-configured bioinformatics cluster built around the new Xserve G5. The cluster includes between four and 16 servers, a rack to hold the them, cabling, and systems and application software. The bundled system includes The BioTeam's iNquiry software with 200 informatics applications including BLAST and HMMER."