Book Reviews
![]() I have been trying to write an AppleScript command for Entourage 2004 to move a message or messages to a certain folder. For some reason I'm running into problems. In Mac OS X mail this worked fine. Here is my current try: on run tell application "Microsoft Entourage" if the class of the front window is message window then set selectedMessages to the displayed message of the front window else set selectedMessages to the selection end if if selectedMessages is {} then display dialog "Select a message and then run this script." with icon 1 return end if repeat with theMessage in selectedMessages move theMessage to folder "latu" in folder "ap" end repeat end tell end runEntourage reports that it can't get the message. Why is that? Update: Something seems to be broken/changed in AppleScript with Entourage 2004. There were some minor inconveniences, which finally convinced me to go back to Mail on Mac OS X. Of course, Mail has it's share of problems, but the general usability is better, and I have all kinds of keyboard shortcuts working.
![]() Jailhouseblog help? "A journalist friend of mine has been writing about prisons. She has discovered in the process an extraordinary wealth of amazing and reflective writing by prisoners. I'd like (and they've agreed) to turn some of this writing into a blog, since the prison won't permit them to publish the writings in the prison paper." [Lessig Blog]
![]() Yesterday there was discussion about the fate of the sturgeon (in Finnish, "sampi") on the Finnish tv. I noticed that Wikipedia has a good article on sturgeon. To quote: "In Russia the fisheries are of immense value. Early in summer the fish migrate into the rivers or towards the shores of freshwater lakes in large shoals for breeding purposes. The ova are very small, and so numerous that one female has been calculated to produce about three million in one season." I have never tasted caviare, although I have eaten fish eggs of other species quite often. Apparently the sturgeon is disappearing fast. Thus caviare might become even more rare than it is today.