Book Reviews
![]() Blogging is not about site traffic: "[For] most bloggers getting high traffic numbers really isn't why we're doing this. Sigh. Anyone want to guess how long it takes before weblogs suffer the same fate as the web as a whole?" [Jeremy Zawodny's blog]
![]() Apple security update addresses latest issues: "Apple on Monday issued a security update for Mac OS X addressing a number of issues found in the operating system. Secutiry Update 2004-06-07 delivers a number of security enhancements and is recommended for all Macintosh users, according to Apple. The update includes the following components: DiskImages; LaunchServices; Safari; and Terminal." [MacCentral] Finally! Now I can return back to being a satisfied Mac OS X user. Releasing the security update took some time, but the real problem with Apple was the arrogant attitude shown by the company. Security is not a light matter, and customer concerns should not be met with platitudes about "an excellent track record".
![]() Airport Express and the Reality Distortion Field: "Steve Jobs stole the morning stage with the announcement and demonstration of a sleeker, slicker version of the company's wireless networking base station. It's called Airport Express. It boasts portability and offers a degree of flexibility that will please a lot of users, though at a fairly high price. The ability to wire up your stereo to your computer's music collection is going to sell some of these." [Dan Gillmor's eJournal] I bought an AirPort base station about a month ago, and perhaps would have chosen AirPort Express instead. However, I'm currently using my 20 GB iPod as the music jukebox connected to my stereo system, which works quite nicely.