Book Reviews
![]() New Titan Photos Reveal Surface: "A pale orange landscape topped by a thin crust appears in images beamed back 900 million miles by the Titan probe. Instruments picked up a low, rushing sound, possibly indicating winds." [Wired News]
![]() I have been using the new Nokia 9500 for a few days. My appointments and contacts are more or less up to date, and I even managed to get the companywide phonebook into the Nokia 9500. The phone works nicely with a Nokia bluetooth headset. I can transfer files between my PowerBook G4 and Nokia 9500 using bluetooth and the Nokia Collector software. I'm using a D-Link bluetooth usb adapter because my PowerBook does not have bluetooth built-in. There were at first some problems with bluetooth between PowerBook and Nokia, but when I turned wlan off in the Nokia phone, bluetooth started to work.
![]() Blogs and the iPod shuffle "shortage"?: "What's next? blogs causing cancer? curing it? Are bloggers so enamoured of themselves that everything is caused by blogs now? Blogs cause of iPod Shuffle shortage -- or so the story goes. No, the reason there's a shortage of iPod Shuffles is simple -- it's a brand new product that Apple is just STARTING to ship to the channels." [Teal Sunglasses]
![]() Google comfort button: 'The infamous "I feel lucky" is nearly never used. However, in trials it was found that removing it would somehow reduce the Google experience. Users wanted it kept. It was a comfort button.' [via]