Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Monday, February 7, 2005

[Item Permalink] Hating PowerPoint -- Comment()
Someone came to this weblog using the Google search i hate powerpoint. Well, I don't - I just don't like it very much.

[Item Permalink]  -- Comment()
Japanese software patents kill Word competitor: "The Tokyo District Court has ordered the destruction of Ichitaro, a software product that is the only serious competitor in Japan to Microsoft Word, and has been on sale since 1985. The ruling is based on the claim of a competitor, Matsushita, that the use of a help icon to invoke a help function infinges on one of their patents. 'We are a global enterprise and we are just following international practice to enforce our IP rights,' Kitadeya (Matsushita) said." [via Boing Boing]

[Item Permalink] When information technology became fun -- Comment()
Apple iPod shows that IT can be easy and fun. My net column on the iPod phenomenon appeared today (in Finnish, Kun tietotekniikasta tuli hauskaa).

[Item Permalink]  -- Comment()
'Mermaid girl' to have legs split: 'Surgeons in Peru prepare an operation to separate the legs of a girl born with "mermaid syndrome".' [BBC News | World | UK Edition]

[Item Permalink] The magic number 4086 -- Comment()
I noticed that the about page of this weblog says: "So far I have written 4086 postings to this weblog." And I have 4086 songs on my iPod. The power of random things!