Book Reviews
![]() Show me your bicycle, and I'll tell what kind of computer you are using. My column on this topic appeared today (in Finnish, Millainen polkupyörä, sellainen tietokone).
![]() "Plug-and-Play" Cluster Computing: "Dean Dauger and Viktor Decyk describe the technology design of Mac clusters, addressing why it was necessary to "reinvent" the cluster computer and how it is meant to benefit users of parallel computing." The work and skills needed to maintain a computational cluster are often overlooked. Perhaps Mac-based cluster offers a cost-effective solution?
![]() Mac OS X Is Great for Fortysomething Unix Hackers: "The primary group of programmers who were attracted to the old Mac OS were those who wanted to write Mac software: application software and other projects meant for use by regular Mac users. Mac OS X, on the other hand, is attractive to those same programmers, for the same reasons, and also attractive to all sorts of other programmers as well—most especially to those writing software for the web." [via]