Book Reviews
![]() VRM Scenarios: "VRM (Vendor Relationship Management) [... is] a potentially expansive, and extremely undefined, area. [...] So, the two big questions: Q1: Who controls the interactions between vendor and customer? Q2: Are the interactions focused on transactions or relationships?"
![]() A story in six words: "Fellow Corvallian Eric Stoller meme-checked me—A story in six words—which means I'm compelled to tell a story in six words..." [] This idea is going around and aroung... I wrote here earlier: "Inspired by a recent Wired article about six word short-short science fiction stories, I invented about two dozen stories on information technology. (In Finnish, Kuuden sanan tarinoita tietotekniikasta.)"
![]() The age of technological revolution is 100 years dead: "We have lost the power of scepticism [...] We do not live in the age of technological revolution. We live in the age of technological stasis, but do not realise it. We watch the future and have stopped watching the present." [Guardian Unlimited]
![]() 'There is no war on terror': "Sir Ken warned of the pernicious risk that a "fear-driven and inappropriate" response to the threat could lead Britain to abandon respect for fair trials and the due process of law." [Guardian Unlimited]