Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Thursday, September 18, 2003

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Aluminium PowerBook benchmarks: "The new 15" (and 17") Aluminum PowerBooks don't seem to suffer from the missing level 3 cache. The larger on-chip level 2 cache seems to take care of business. The bumped up clock speed and Radeon 9600 graphics translate into better performance. Apple's going to sell a "oodles" of these!" [I <3 Mena]

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Fix any printer's default A4 paper margins: "A lot of my clients found printing in Word v.X cuts off their documents at the bottom of the page, while OS 9 had no cut off problems. Looks like Apple sets the bottom margin to be 1.45cm for the "Any Printer" setting..." [macosxhints]

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How to painlessly create really nice-looking equations: "Using TexFoG and Latex Equation Editor together allows even the Latex-illiterates like me make beautiful equations effortlessly." [macosxhints]