Scope MVC Framework. Application framework built on a generic implementation of the Model-View-Controller pattern for component based development, independent of view technology. Implementations for Servlet, JSP, XML-XSLT and Swing are provided. [Java-Channel]
This looks interesting. There are not that many web and rich client UI frameworks around but this one looks quite promising. Certainly the code seems quite well laid out. I wonder how easy it'd be to plugin different renderers like Tapestry, Velocity or JellySwing.
Certainly the model side of the project looks nice. It should be possible to use dynamic proxies or AOP style interceptors to plugin any domain business objects written as POJOs so that MVC code could be kept quite seperate from your business logic code.
My ideal for developing enterprise applications in Java would be, develop your business logic as architecturally neutral POJOs, deploy this logic anywhere in any kind of container with any kind of distributed technology, then plug in any kind of UI rendering and display technology, HTML, HTML/JavaScript, Flash, XUL, Swing or SWT.
10:24:24 AM