XPath-ng. Uche Ogbuji has set up the XPath-ng mailing list for discussing something to follow XPath 1.0. Yes, the W3C does have XPath 2.0 in progress, but there is the general opinion that it's overblown and too dependent upon other specs, particularly XML Schema. XPath 1.0 rocks because it so closely follows the 80/20 rule. XPath 2.0 from the W3C looks significantly less enlightened. As the project lead for jaxen, I'm following the XPath-ng conversations closely.... [bob mcwhirter]
Totally agreed. As another Jaxen developer I'll certainly be tracking it too.
XPath 1.0 rocks, it hits the perfect sweet spot of being able to search and query XML documents with a fairly simple syntax and model. XPath 2.0 is just too big and complex - its practically XQuery - I don't really see the point of keeping it seperate from XQuery - they might as well just roll the XPath 2.0 things into XQuery and leave XPath to stay a simple, powerful and very succesful path expression language.
There's not a whole lot wrong with XPath 1.0 though there are a few things we could do to improve XPath 1.0 such as better support for sequences and some simple XSD type functions. Here's hoping for an XPath 1.x
10:59:11 PM