Spaces. Other's have talked about spaces in the web logs before but I recently tried the webstart download of the alpha 1.5 release and I have to say I'm impressed.
While spaces isn't perfect it's a very nicely presented user interface and gives a very good first impression. It responds very fast and feels very much like a native application. I'll be watching this project very closely.
Speaking of WebStart. It's a great piece of technology but there's two things that really bug me:
- When prompting for your proxy username and password the dialog does not have the OK button set as a default button. I keep pressing enter and expecting something to happen.
- You often get prompted more than once for the same details. When your login name is 17 characters (Glen.Stampoultzis) this really hurts!
These two problems spoil what would otherwise be a really nice user experience. [The Occasional Blogger]
This is a nice piece of software which shows great potential - great work Diego.
If there was an easy way to post to a Radio blog from inside Space's view of RSS feedsview then I'd probably try use this as my news aggregator instead of Radio's inbuilt one.